
Message from Dr. Ing. Eshetayehu Kinfu Tesfaye

Dear visitor, Welcome to the Addis Ababa City Administration’s Office of Strategic Programs Management website! The Strategic Programs Management Office was established by Regulation No. 147/2015 and became operational in May 2023. It was found to be a leadership support system for the city administration to address the multi-faceted problems. It is bestowed with the responsibilities of designing...

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Dr. Eng. Eshetayehu Kinfu Tesfaye , Strategic Programmes Office Head
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Strategic Programmes Managment Office


Our mission is employing a strategic city administration plan to strengthen both domestic and international relations, elevate initiatives aimed at enhancing the city's image, oversee and support the performance of result-oriented entities, sector offices, and projects. This involves conducting supervision and inspection activities, ensuring the timely implementation of cabinet decisions, and fostering good governance for equitable service delivery. The overarching goal is to advance transparency and accountability, ultimately benefiting the society of the city


Seeing Addis Ababa as a symbol of Africa's prosperity





 Rule of law

 Excellent service

 Superior public interest

 Knowledge and faith to lead

Transparency and accountability